NITROMODELS is one of the fastest growing company of almost-ready-to-fly airplanes in North America. Our models consist of either all-balsa ARF planes or ARF airplanes that feature lightweight fiberglass fuselage. Each and every ARF Kit we carry display exceptional (if not excellent) workmanship and includes complete hardware package such as fuel tank, engine mounts, wheels, hardware pushrod, canopy, fiberglass cowl, nose cone, decal sheet and more! With our kit, it will minimize your building time and maximize your flying time at the field! Some of our arf planes even feature perfect hand painted fuselage and we believe that this innovative product has yet to be seen by many people!!! Well, just come visit us at the annual AMA show and you'll see how impressive our kits are!
Since NITROMODELS may still be a fairly
new company for a lot of people, we understand your first concern when buying
from us. You may be concern about the price we give and you probably
wonder WHY IS IT SO CHEAP? Well, you'll not the first one and will not
even come close to being the last one to wonder why! The answer is fairly
simple! We like to see happy customer so we can feel good about ourselves!
But of course, we like to build good relationship with everyone and keep a happy
tie with you!
There's a few things we can guarantee you for our products: 100% GOOD
PRODUCT, 100% LOW PRICE, 100% E-MAIL CUSTOMER SERVICE (our phone can be very
busy sometimes so if you need to talk, best time to call is 5-7 PST M-F), 100%
CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP. Most of our ARF kits can be built by amateurs and a
few of them require very knowledgeable people. If the kit is fairly hard
for you to build, just write an email to our VP at and see if he
can find help for you!
Happy shopping and always remember, fly safe!