Want to talk to a real person? You can reach us at the following phone number: 626.968.9860 or fax to 626.968.9830. A customer service representative will be happy to assist you. The hours a live person can respond to your inquires are Monday thru Friday 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Please note that these time are Pacific Time. During periods of high numbers of phone calls, the customer service personnel may not be able to answer your call 'live'. If you leave a message including your name and phone number with area code, your call will be returned as soon as possible - unfortunately, during busy times this could be several hours or more. It is helpful to ask your question or state the reason for the call in your message so the as much info as possible may be gathered before the return phone call is made. We will also be happy to respond to an e-mail inquiry at
Official Online Support Forum hosted by |
How to Get Information About a Recently Placed Order |
If you
have placed an order with Nitro Model Planes recently and need some
information or would like to change it, there are several ways you can
contact us. Please note that since we begin processing your order
immediately after receiving it, changes may not always be possible
depending on how much time has elapsed. The easiest way to contact us is by calling 626.968.9860. If your question is time sensitive or if you are attempting to change a recent order, this is the quickest way to reach us. You may also contact us thru email at Please be specific as to the nature of your needs. We will usually reply within 48 hours. If you prefer regular postal mail. The address is: 13240 Amar Rd, City of Industry, CA 91746 |
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would help drive RC customers to our website. If you can help, we will be
glad to hear from you. Send an email / proposal to